2024, May 15th , Cologne
Release and listening session for issue #08 about Voice at Galerie Seippel, Cologne.
2024, May 2nd , Cologne
Radio interview with Ilka Geyer at WDR open: Multitrack .
Team: em, ek, sw, vr
2023, June, 25th , Monheim am Rhein
Listening session at Sojus 7/Goldener Hans during Monheim Triennale .
Team: ab, em, h
2023, May 6th , Cologne
Release and listening session for issue #07 about Public Space at Funk Magazine, Cologne.
2022, first Monday each month, Cologne
grapefruits radio show at dublab , Cologne.
April 6th, May 4th, June 1st, July 6th, August 3rd, September 7th, October 5th, November 2nd, December 7th, 2022.
2022, June 11th , Cologne
grapefruits workshop about fanzines during Feministisches Literaturfest Her*Story für Frauen und Queers at Alte Feuerwache Köln.
2022, May 28th , Cologne
grapefruits x guterstoff – release and listening session for issue #06 about Rhythm during
guterstoff Festival 2022 at Niehler Freiheit in Cologne.
2021, November 19th , Düsseldorf
grapefruits issue #05 about Punk is supported by IMAI – Inter Media Art Institute ,
Düsseldorf, and appears during their conference Fringe of the Fringe (Nov 11th–20th, 2021).
2021, October 8th – 10th , Cologne
grapefruits at Week-End Fest X , presenting Sisters With Transistors , Suzanne Ciani and Caterina Barbieri .
2021, September 24th , Cologne
grapefruits at Blaupause : Zukunftsmodelle der freien Szenen, Initiative Freie Musik Köln at Stadtgarten Köln .
2021, August 6th , Cologne
grapefruits interviewed by Friedemann Dupelius for urbanana .
2021, May 19th , Cologne
grapefruits live at Dublab : grapefruits issue #04 about Installations with Nathalie Brum and Aura Danielle Muñoz Barragán.
2021, April 19th – May 29th , Cologne
grapefruits x guterstoff – a Festival for Experimental Music and Performance, taking place online on May, 29th. The artists invited by guterstoff answered questions posed by grapefruits authors. The interview stories will be presented here from April 19th – May 29th.
2021, April 17th , Cologne
grapefruits at funkt Radio Festival.
2021, April 15th , Düsseldorf
grapefruits issue #04 about Installations released on April, 15th, at Sparda’s Palastrauschen at Museum Kunstpalast in Düsseldorf.
2020, November , Cologne
grapefruits x jazzweek . Interviews by female* jazz composers, published on Instagram .
2020, August, Cologne
grapefruits interviewed by Wolfgang Frömberg for
King Georg .
2020, August 24th, Cologne
grapefruits live at Dublab .
2020, August 5th, Cologne
grapefruits live at WDR3 Tonart , interview by Kathrin Weller .
2020, August, Berlin
Article about grapefruits by Insa Murawski at Positionen – Texte zur aktuellen Musik .
2020, July 21st
grapefruits at SWR2
Treffpunkt Klassik ,
interview by
Sabine Weber .
2020, July 8th, Cologne
grapefruits at OTIC Radio, KHM Köln .
2020, July
grapefruits issue #03 about Instruments released in July 2020.
2020, June, Düsseldorf
grapefruits at RP-Online .
2020, May, Düsseldorf
grapefruits at Zugaben, RSH-Düsseldorf .
2020, April 6th – May 1st , Karlsruhe
grapefruits at Feminale der Musik .
Cooperation with ZKM Karlsruhe .
2020, April 25th , Cologne
grapefruits at MEKASUBA , Alte Feuerwache Köln.
Postponed to 2021, March 28th. Artist and curator
Heike Simmer
Sadness of Missing Out – Art in Germany in
Times of Corona.
2020, February 13th , Düsseldorf
grapefruits at Palastrauschen , Museum Kunstpalast.
Release of issue #02 about Performance . During a one hour listening session the authors present the artists of the second issue.
2019, November – December , Cologne
grapefruits at Bruch und Dallas , Giftshop .
2019, October 12th , Cologne
grapefruits at Currents Festival für aktuelle Tiefkultur , Alte Feuerwache Köln.
2019, June 29th , Cologne
grapefruits at Brückenmusik .
Release issue #01 about Imaginary Sound .