
A Feminist Fanzine About Composers and Sound Artists


Issue #08 about Voice


Issue #07 about Public Space


Issue #06 about Rhythm


Issue #05 about Punk


Issue #04 about Installations


Issue #03 about Instruments


Issue #02 about Performance


Issue #01 about Imaginary Sound



grapefruits is a feminist fanzine about composers and sound artists, originating from students of the master programme Klang und Realität at the Institute for Music and Media at the RSH Düsseldorf. The title refers to Grapefruit, a book by Yoko Ono published in 1964, who saw grapefruits as a hybrid of lemons and oranges, a metaphor for her own identity — always being in-between. Appearing twice a year, the first issue was released in summer 2019. The authors, varying from issue to issue, choose the artists they are going to interview and write about by personal interest, always having in mind different genres in the art and pop context as well as a broad international spectrum, including contemporary artists as well as early pioneers. For each issue the authors define a topic which combines the diverse characters, in the same time emphasizing the different understanding each one has on that specific topic.

ab Antonia Alessia Virginia Beeskow
dm Aura Danielle Muñoz Barragán
ds Dora Schilling
ek Elisa Kühnl
em Elisa Metz
fk Friederike Kempter
hh Helene Heuser
jl Jakob Lebsanft
jq Jasmina Al-Qaisi
jj Joreng Jung
jc Julian Cornelissen
lg Laila Grümpel
kl Karl Ludwig
mb Mirjam Berg
rl Risto Lenz
sw Simon Waskow
nb Nathalie Brum
tn Theresa Nink
vr Vanessa Romotzky
Copy Editors
Anna Schütten
Tim Danaher
Elisa Metz
Ines Glowania
Web Developer
Lennart Melzer
Consulted by
Prof. Dr. Heike Sperling
Prof. Dr. Swantje Lichtenstein